Hit and runs collisions are not as frequent as car crashes, as most people have the decency to stop and render aid. However, hit-and-run collisions present their own challenge, which is recovering damages from a party that has fled the scene.
What many people do not know is that Uninsured Motorist coverage protects you in the event that you are involved in a collision with a driver that flees the scene. This applies whether you are in a car, riding a bicycle, or walking on the street. If you are struck by a car that does not stop to help, your car insurance will look to your Uninsured Motorist coverage to compensate you for your harm and losses. If your ready to learn more, call the Talon Law Group in Pittsburgh, PA. Our hit and run attorneys are ready to help you.
But it is important to make sure that you have Uninsured Motorist coverage on your insurance policy and that you have enough to protect yourself.
If you or anyone you know has been injured in a hit-and-run, please contact our hit and run attorneys right away so we can help you!